Favorite spot

Hey, so yesterday Demi and I went to 's-Hertogenbosch to explore new hotspots and to make photo's of course. Well the fun part is, we haven't had time to explore the hotspots because the stores were closed by time when we wanted to explore them. But the first thing what we will do when we are in 's-Hertogenbosch is exploring new stores definitely. 

We had a lot of laughs, especially while making photo's because we where in 's-Hertogenbosch en you see people everywhere. And so a car pasted by and suddenly a guy stepped out  the car and we stood there thinking like what is going on. `but guess what? He wanted to be in the picture, it was really weird but funny too (I guess). 

Demi and I like to make pictures in 's-Hertogenbosch because the architecture there is beautiful! And we live in a town with normal, ugly buildings, and that's obviously not photo worthy. So we need to spend a lot of effort to go to a nice location. But in 's-Hertogenbosch is it really easy to find it. 

The outfit that I'm wearing is actually really simple. Just some pair of black jeans, with a little lace top and a simple brown jacket with a pair off white all stars. As accessory I wore my all time favorite brons bracelet with my Oozoo watch and pastel pink earrings. I personally love my bag so much it's really nice because it's not too big and not too small. 

I hope you enjoyed reading this, and I'll see you in my next post! 


3 opmerkingen:

  1. De eerste en laatste foto zijn heel leuk bewerkt meid :-) De rest is overigens ook leuk hoor hahah x

  2. lovely photos.great style! :)

