maandag 30 maart 2015

Trip to Berlin!

Hiii guys, how are you doing today? So I went this week to berlin! I love traveling like if it was free you wouldn't see me anymore cause I would travel like the whole world. I've been in 2 city's this year I've never been before and that makes me happy because I'm seeing more off the world. And the other city is London, and now Berlin.The city (Berlin) is literately amazing (that's London too btw), it's not a normal city like you would think. It's not a city like London or New york or something, it's like Rome. It's beautiful, cultural and just inspiring. I wouldn't ever think like 'hey come we go on a trip to Berlin', I would rather think London or New York. But Berlin had like a city side and a normal old side.

This trip was a school trip, i first wanted to go to London but I was thrilled loot. But I'm happy that that happened because a month later I went with my mother for 2 days to Londen which was amazing! And you can always go to a trip like London because it's like a world city not that Berlin isn't (don't get me wrong) but I would have rather gone to London than to Berlin.

Sunday night at 1 am, we went to Berlin. Ooooh I felt like I was dying because the road trip took like 10 hours. I couldn't sleep, because it was so uncomfortable but I made it! We came there at 10 o'clock in the morning and the day began really fun. First we had a little road tour, and then we went cycling through the city. I hate cycling because I do it every day when I go to school and work. But this time it was different, I saw every beautiful detail of the city. The weather was beautiful, it was like a perfect day, but I need to be honest I was at the end of the day so tired! So the 4 days went by, by learning enjoying and of course eating. Oh and we had so many laughs!

I did shopping as well! The last day of the trip we had time for us self to shop, or so whatever you want. So me and my friend went shopping in the Kurfürstendamm.
I bought:
a pair off nike free run;
creme from rituals;
eos lip balm from the Douglas;
a T-shirt from Zara; 
a shirt from &other stories (btw i love this shop sooooo much!);
an anti-pimple stick or something from the brand named Sans Soucis;
2 lipstick from Mac (creme in your coffee);
a blush from Mac.
(I will make another post of the things I bought in Berlin!)

wow, this post is way to long. Well I hope you enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed this trip. And I'm really sorry for the bad quality off the photo's, they were taken with my iphone4 camera. 

With love, 

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