donderdag 24 april 2014


Hiii, how was everyone's easter? I didn't do anything special, except eating chocolate. So this outfit that I wore is really simple. I just wore a green blouse with long sleeves with a gray leather jacket on top. This jacket is really my favorite, it just looks nice a fits by every outfit. And as last a pair of basic light jeans with black allstars. As accessories I wore white earrings.

So yesterday started my holidays. Not official, cause it starts next week. But I have no school these days so I count it as a beginning of the holiday. Tomorrow I go with school to the Efteling. I have been there often it is a amusement park. But it's still nice cause you go with friends. I hope you have a nice day, and if you're having holidays to then have a nice holiday!
with love,

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